

It is simplest form logistics refers to the management of resources throughout the supply chain. It is a networked which include multi-dimensional process summarize as 7Rs of Logistics. The role of logistics operation​s of the entire supply chain are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport UK (2019) Glossary of terms and dictionaries.

More on Glossaries (6/8/19)


Services Sector contributing to 57.8% of overall GDP in Quarter Two 2020 (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2020). Transportation and Storage Sector shares 3.65% GDP of the overall GDP in year 2018 (Annual Economic Statistics 2018: Transportation & Storage, 2018).


Information on agencies under Ministry of Transport within the sector.

Operator and License

Services, license, tax, permit or registr​ation and business related.

Acts and Regulation

Regulated for logistics, covering freights, air, land and water channels.


Existing programs, incentives and human capital development are arranged by the Ministry of Transport Malaysia.​

​Reports and Stats

Resources on reports and statis​tics under Ministry of Transport