List of Feedback/ Queries/ suggestions below are from public who have submitted to improve quality of services and MOT Website.
Feedback/ Queries/ suggestions channels :
No.. |
Suggestion / Enquiries |
Feedback |
1. |
Ingin mengetahui bagaimana permohonan domestic shipping license (DSL) terkini. Adakah melalui sistem MOT atau memohon melalui sistem BLESS (Business Licensing Electronic Support System). |
Untuk makluman, permohonan DSL masih lagi menggunapakai sistem e-DSL ( ) dan pemberitahuan mengenai penggunaan sistem BLESS telah dikemaskini di paparan NOTIS Sistem e-DSL. Pihak tuan seterusnya boleh melihat makluman atau pengumuman terkini di paparan NOTIS Sistem e-DSL. Untuk makluman tuan juga, pihak tuan boleh menghubungi urus setia DSL seperti yang tertera di halaman sistem e-DSL bagi sebarang pertanyaan berhubung isu DSL. |
2. |
I would like to enquiry about Certificate to be issued in Malaysia. How can I get a certificate like in the attachment ( please see the attachment ). How much cost? There are many certificates are expired and need renewal their owners wants to renew them or get a new one by Malaysian Ministry of Transport ( Maritime sector) |
I presume that you wish to enquire about Certificate of Competency for Seafarers issued by Malaysia. Every seafarers should undergo and pass certain training at maritime training institute recognised by Marine Department of Malaysia. The certificate of Competency will be issued by Marine Department of Malaysia.
On the other hand, under Regulation I/10 STCW, Malaysia has signed Memorandum of Understanding with 43 countries to recognise their Certificate of Competency. To enable these seafarers to work on Malaysian ships, Marine Department of Malaysia will issue Certificate of Recognition to the seafarers from these countries. List of countries recognised is as attached.
I've forwarded your query to Standard Training and Evaluation Unit, Marine Department asking them to assist you. Any of these officers from Marine Department will contact you soon:
- Mr. Azudin bin Zainal Abidin
Tel : 03-3346 7625
Email :
- Mr. Mohd Hisham Rubani
Tel : 03-3346 7637
Email :
- Mr Khairin Azmi
Tel : 03-3346 7639
Email :
3. |
I applied for a VEP many months ago but have not received any email to collect my VEP tag. I just read the news about implementation of the VEP scheme from yesterday. I intend to drive to Malaysia tomorrow. Would appreciate advice and help on how I can drive to Malaysia without having a VEP tag. |
Ministry Of Transport Malaysia (MOT) will announce the official date on the implementation of Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) in due course. The system has been installed and now going under trial run. During this period, we are encourage the owners to register their at Currently, you are allowed to travel into Malaysia until further notice/announcement has been made by MOT. |
4. |
Saya difahamkan bahawa sejumlah RM500 juta diperuntukkan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Kesebelas (RMK11) untuk projek naik taraf dan pembesaran Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail Petra Kota Bharu (LTSIP). Jadi, bilakah projek ini akan dapat dimulakan? Apakah komponen utama projek naik taraf LTSIP dan adakan pemanjangan dan pelebaran landasan akan turut terlibat? |
Kementerian Pengangkutan telah mengemukakan permohonan untuk mendapatkan siling peruntukan di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-11 kepada Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) bagi projek menaiktaraf Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail Petra, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan. Projek ini turut merangkumi skop pembinaan bangunan terminal baru untuk menampung peningkatan jumlah penumpang yang menggunakan lapangan terbang berkenaan. Selain itu, projek ini juga dicadangkan untuk turut melibatkan penambahbaikan struktur landside dan airside lapangan terbang berkenaan. Tertakluk kepada kelulusan bajet di bawah RMK 11, projek ini dijangka akan bermula pada tahun 2016.