Ministry of Transport Malaysia

Statistic of Land Transport


Kindly be informed that, starting from 1 October, 20​16, data from the Road Transport Department (RTD) is no longer displayed in the official portal of Ministry of Transport. For those who have interest in obtaining the data, you may submit your application to the RTD.​​​


Download Statistic of Land Transport in Excel Format:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​

Sektor Darat Q1 - Q4 Tahun 2018 - SPAD39 KB
Sektor Darat Q1 - Q4 Tahun 2017 - SPAD37 KB
Sektor Darat Q1 - Q4 Tahun 2016 - SPAD35 KB
Sektor Darat Q1 - Q4 Tahun 2015 - SPAD36 KB
Sektor Darat Q1 - Q4 Tahun 2014 - SPAD52 KB

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