By 2030, Malaysia Rail Industry will be a strong and sustainable business, capable of satisfying the demands of the national rail transportation; and a competitive global player that optimises the use of indigenous resources and technologies.
Based on the huge business opportunities, the Government is supporting the industry's aspiration to advance the next level.
The Role of NCROE is to provide a centralized platform to:
NRCOE shall operate as an entity under auspices of Ministry of Transport to facilitate and implementing a strict governance between the government, agencies, academia and industry player.
1st NRCOE Steering Committee
Centralize Training Center & Ind. Lead Body For Rail Sector & Transform To Institution
3rd September
Implementation of NRCOE
Develop Local Supplier Capability In Order To Manage MRO/Systems/Component/Activities In The Future
HIP5 Catalyst Program Under SME Corp Malaysia
Develop Malaysia & ASEAN Rail Standard
Produce Local Rolling Stock/Systems On Local Refurbishment Program
Initiation of R&T Working Committee with MOSTI
Implementation of NRCOE