DSL is an abbreviation for Domestic Shipping License. Under the Cabotage Policy which was implemented on 1st January 1980, ships, other than those excluded under Section 65L of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952, which carry passengers or goods:-
or involved in the towing or pushing of any ship engaged in domestic shipping shall have a valid DSL.
Conditions to be fulfilled by applicants are as follows:-
Malaysia has a total of 105 landing facilities ranging from major ports to landing jetties. Ports in the country are categorized broadly into major and minor ports and the Federal Ports are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Transport while the State Ports in Sabah and Sarawak are under the respective State Government. These are further categorized as major and minor ports:
The remaining landing facilities and jetties including ports which come under the purview of the Marine Department are classified as minor ports. Some of these include Labuan Port, Port Dickson Port and Kerteh Port.